Not Dead Yet

Dungeon Rules

Hobopolis Rules and Policies

This document summarizes the policies for clannies adventuring in Hobopolis, the clan dungeon.

Who To Talk To

  • The Flying Banana is the executive with oversight of the dungeon, and should be contacted in cases of personnel problems.
  • Nanimonai3 & man tater are the chief Dungeon Masters and can be contacted for policy complaints.
  • Arlio, Chalion, hasand & MaestrodeRek are the Dungeon Masters. In addition to performing resets, they can answer questions about dungeon policy and arbitrate disputes.
  • AlphaCow/BetaFox developed our loot-distribution tool (at, questions about it can be discussed in the appropriate thread here, or directed at him.

Who is eligible

Clan members with the rank of "Full Member" and above may enter Hobopolis. Promotions are handled by the Personnel staff, but one requirement for that rank is (currently) 60,000 karma in the clan stash. A table of ranks may be found in the Clan Charter.

Hobopolis Rules

  1. Jick and company have strictly forbidden all cases of multis being in the same instance of the same dungeon. (Read the Notice Posted to the Fourth Wall in the clan basement), or see this thread.
  2. While adventuring in Hobopolis, you must be in chat, and listening to both /hobopolis and /clan channels.
  3. When a Hobo boss appears, let everyone know in /hobopolis channel, and arrange to take turns or form a queue so that everyone who wants to try the boss gets a chance. If you have already killed a boss this dungeon, others have priority in the queue!
  4. Everyone who wants loot must enter their preferences on the spreadsheet at a location known only to clan members :)
    • Your character's name must be capitalized correctly in the first column. New names should be added at the bottom of the list.
    • An entry beginning with "W" indicates you want the item, other entries are ignored.
    • You can prioritize your desires, with W1 being more desired than W2, and so on, up to W9. A plain W entry is considered lower priority than a quantified one, like W9.
    • Do not change anyone's preferences other than your own characters. Joe reviews all changes made to the spreadsheet. Anyone caught changing another player's wish list will be booted from the clan without appeal.
    If you have not entered your preferences in this spreadsheet, you will NOT receive loot.
  5. Only the Dungeon Masters may distribute loot items. Violators can be fined, banned from Hobopolis, kicked from the clan, and reported as looters, depending upon the severity of the offense-- Don't Distribute Loot!
    [Note: On closed Speed Runs, a Speed Run Manager takes on this role.]
  6. In the sewers, if you get caught in the C.H.U.M. cage, please ask for rescue (in both channels) before gnawing your way out. Consider rescuing others if you are available and not pressed for turns.
  7. In The Heap, if you get the adventure I Refuse!, announce to others in /hobopolis and wait for others who want to participate also get the adventure before choosing to explore the junkpile.
  8. Please donate 50,000-100,000 meat (preferably in dense meat stacks) to the stash for each loot item you are awarded. More is appreciated. It costs 1 million meat to open each dungeon, so do what you can to keep us afloat!

Clan Customs

The Dungeons are a shared clan resource, and we seek to ensure the maximum enjoyment of that resource for all clannies. As such, we expect the following behaviour in the Dungeons;

  • Sewer Items– These are rarely cost effective. Please see antimarty's calculations of the efficacy. If you want sewer speed, you need a Hobo Binder with as many glyphs as you can get, and use sewer wads only.
  • Freezer Raiding and Boss Item Drops – any time you get a reward that is disproportionate with the amount of work you did in the dungeon, you should consider sharing it with others in the dungeons. For example, if you get all the banquets but did not work in EE for very long, consider sending some banquets to those that did finish EE. It's generally considered reasonable to keep at least 2 banquets. If you kill multiple bosses in a given dungeon, it's fine to keep 2 or so items per boss (costs of buffing alone would indicate that), but you should consider sending additional items to others (say the top 4-6 in an area or the dungeon overall) who put in a lot of work on this dungeon.

Current Adventure Weights

Almost every adventure spent in Hobopolis is shown in the dungeon log. Some of these adventures advance the progress of the dungeon (defeating hobos, mainly), while others benefit just the player and no one else. In deciding how loot is distributed, our clan counts the adventures that advance the dungeon, and some others, as listed below. The more "points" you've earned in this way, the higher your priority in getting loot you've requested (you did enter your prefs on the spreadsheet, didn't you?). In addition, some special adventures are rewarded (or penalized) to encourage (or discourage) certain choices or actions by dungeoneers.

Everything not listed here (such as, eg, defeating a Hot hobo) is worth 1 point (adventure).
Actions worth more than 1 point
Actions worth 0 points
Actions worth less than 0 points
  • Defeating Chester, Oscus, & Zombo (-30 pts)
  • Raiding freezers (-1 pt) (Exposure Esplanade)

Loot Distribution

So, it seems the off-site forums aren't a good method of storing loot wish lists. We've switched to using Google Spreadsheets. You can access the clan spreadsheet here: (redacted from public web-page - please see the forums or ask in-game)

Type your name under "player name" (make sure your name has the same capitalization as in game) and then fill in what you have ("H") and want ("W"). Additional features, if you want:

  1. You can put a number after the "W" to indicate priority, with "W1" being highest and falling off from there. A "W" with no numbers is considered lowest priority.
  2. The script will recognize if you have only part of an outfit and will give you zappable leftovers. Don't worry about writing (1/3) or whatever.
  3. At this point, there is no difference between leaving an item blank and marking it with a "H". This issue is not necessarily finalized - further discussion on this will take place on the off-site forums in the script thread.
  4. I receive a list of all changes made to the spreadsheet. If I see anyone changing another player's wish list, that person will be booted from the clan without appeal.
  5. As an additional note, the program seems to be case sensitive, so make sure your name has the same capitalization as in game.

The whole script relies on the wish list, so if you don't keep it updated, we will hire a hit man to kill you. Don't make us do that.


Slimetube Rules and Policies

This document summarizes the policies for clannies adventuring in Hobopolis, the clan dungeon.

  1. Slimetube adventuring is limited to clan members of Full Member rank and above.
  2. Every clannie adventuring in the Slimetube must be listening to the /slimetube and /clan chat channel
  3. Every clannie adventuring in the Slimetube must enter their loot preference in the slimetube spreadsheet, available on the forums in this forum posting.
  4. Distribution of loot items is carried out solely by the DMs
  5. There is a 2 instance cooldown period to be eligible for loot - you can only receive loot, if you have not received any in the past 2 incidences of the tube. Exceptions may be made if there are no eligible recipients otherwise.
  6. If you receive an item in the distribution, you must lodge a donation of between 50k and 100k meat in the stash — as always, Dense Meat Stacks are preferred

Slimetube Loot Distribution

The clan uses a simple parser for this

  1. If you enter in the slime tube and wish to receive the outfit items and slime-soaked loot, the DM's will add your name to the spreadsheet and will enter the distributed items to the spreadsheet.
  2. If you do not want an item, or have received an outfit piece already (i.e from a different clan , or we missed it) put an H in the column.
  3. If you don't want anything, there is a column to note that in.
  4. Do not modify any other player's list for any reason.
  5. Do not modify turncounts and distributions for any reason whatsoever.

Distribution Notes

  1. Killing regular slime monsters counts as +1; Killing Ma Slime counts for +50; defeats are not counted for distribution.
  2. If you got loot, turns are reset to zero, and will start accumulating when you re-enter.
  3. If you did not get loot, your turns are banked. If your point total for a given instance is less than 11, those turns will not be banked, but you may still receive loot if your banked total is high enough.
  4. Once you have an outfit you are ineligible for those items again.
  5. The Outfit items and the Slimes-soaked items can be zapped, so don't worry if you get a duplicate.
  6. The Caustic Slime Nodule, the Slime Larva , and the Chamoisole are only available if we are doing a Speed Run.

Dreadsylvania Rules and Policies

This document summarizes the policies for clannies adventuring in Dreadsylvania, the clan dungeon.

  • Dreadsylvania adventuring is limited to clan members of Full Member rank and above.
  • Every clannie adventuring in the Dreadsylvania must be listening to the /dread and /clan chat channels - this is to coordinate your efforts down there!
  • Distribution of loot items is carried out solely by the DMs
  • If you receive an item in the distribution, you must lodge a donation of between 300k and 330k meat for each untradable piece (e.g. equipment) in the stash — as always, Dense Meat Stacks are preferred
  • It is at the DM's discretion to send the consumables to Dread dungeoneers who spent significant effort in the according instance. They will get logged in the sheet, but not anymore counted for reset of accumulated turns, nor will they get billed.
  • You can now register your intent to fight a hard-mode boss in Dreadsylvania by going to the /dread channel and writing !signup add [bossname].
  • You can check if anyone has registered their intent to fight a boss with !signup [bossname], and remove your registration with !signup remove [bossname].
  • If you kill a boss in hard-mode, you will receive one of the consumables dropped. Additional consumables are distributed at the discretion of the DM.

Dreadsylvania Loot Distribution

  • If you enter in Dreadsylvania and wish to receive the outfit items and other loot, the DM's will add your name to the spreadsheet and will enter the distributed items to the spreadsheet.
  • You may be distributed an outfit piece you have already received if you do not have the full set. Outfit pieces can be zapped to acquire the other pieces.
  • If you do not want an item, or have received an outfit piece already (i.e from a different clan , or we missed it) put an H in the column.
  • If you don't want anything, there is a column to note that in.
  • If you don't want any consumables, the same column as above works for that.
  • Do not modify any other player's list for any reason.
  • Do not modify turncounts and distributions for any reason whatsoever.

Distribution Notes

  • Killing any Dreadsylvania monsters counts as +1; defeats are not counted for distribution.
  • New: Killing a boss in hard-mode counts as +50.
  • If you got loot, turns are reset to zero, and will start accumulating when you re-enter.
  • If you did not get loot, your turns are banked. If your point total for a given instance is less than 11, those turns will not be banked, but you may still receive loot if your banked total is high enough.
  • Once you have an outfit you are ineligible for those items again.